пятница, 4 марта 2016 г.

Depression is Not a Synonym for Bad Mood

Depression is a serious mental disorder, not only an affected person suffers from it but his loved ones too. If you go through stressful events, you may develop this mental disorder. People tend to believe that this illness is a bad mood but it is false – unrecognized depression may trigger bad consequences. Awareness is the main weapon against the further development of depression. Each person may provoke this severe illness. Values of modern society influence people. Everyone wants to be successful. If a person is not able to achieve his goals, he will be destroyed psychologically, after a chain of failures he will develop depression. Psychological traumas such as the death of a loved one, divorce, breakup, serious illness may lead to depression. In some cases, depression occurs without any reason.

Scientists suggest that peculiarities of biochemical processes play a major role, for example, exchange of neurotransmitters (serotonin, norepinephrine, etc). Psychological symptoms can help recognize depression. They include anxiety, despair, low self-esteem. Constant fatigue and sadness accompany this serious mental disorder. Loss of interest in everything takes place. The person with depression conducts himself differently. People with depression are not capable to focus. The affected person has no desire to communicate with anyone. Alcohol and drug addiction is a result of prolonged and untreated depression. The depressed person has a specific way of thinking. Thoughts become gloomy. A person believes that he is hopeless, helpless and a burden for loved ones. There are somatic symptoms as well. The person with depression has insomnia. Eating disorder are another sign of the mental disease.

People suffer from pain in the heart, stomach, and suffer from constipation. Loss of interest in sex is one of common signs of this severe disease. Alcoholism and drug addiction are causes or consequences of depression. After using alcohol or drugs, people feel good mood for a while. Social phobias may trigger depression, suicidal thoughts appear. First of all, it is possible and necessary to defeat this serious illness. The depressed people rarely consult a doctor on their own, so loved ones should help and convince to seek professional help. If a person is diagnosed with depression, it is necessary to support, cheer him up, even if he has no desire. It is advisable to convince the person that it is not his fault. You are able to beat depression together.

Untreated depression may last for months or even years. In treatment, psychotherapy and medication are used. Drugs for this disease (antidepressants) are selected for each patient and are taken for several months. Psychotherapy helps depressed people change way of thinking. People with depression should share their feeling and thoughts with a doctor so he will be able to help fight depression. Techniques of self-help are a true way of preventing depression. A healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, work and rest regime, positive thinking will help to overcome stress and maintain emotional well-being!

Useful sources:
1. Situational vs Clinical Depression
2. Situational Depression – Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

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